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DM Plant

For a variety of industrial and commercial applications, our DM Plants are built to deliver very pure water. Our DM Plants provide effective and dependable water treatment solutions that match the needs of today's industries, from manufacturing and processing to power generation and pharmaceuticals. Modern technology and strict quality control procedures are used at our facilities to guarantee that our plants continually offer clean, clear water that satisfies the highest requirements. These facilities are dependable, efficient, and economical. We are quite proud of our ability to assist our clients in meeting their demands for water treatment since we recognize that water is a valuable resource.

Product Image (Mix Bed DM Plant)

Mix Bed DM Plant

We offer Mix Bed DM Plant contains single vessel filled with cation exchange resin and anion exchange resin.

Product Image (DM Plant)

DM Plant

  • Delivery Time:5 Days
  • Supply Ability:1 Per Week